Texas Respiratory Therapist CEUs

Texas Respiratory Therapist CEUs

Continuing education units (CEUs) help respiratory therapists stay current on the latest treatments and new information, which improves patient care. Each state requires continuing education to ensure healthcare workers stay up-to-date with continuously evolving information.

To renew your Texas respiratory license, you must meet the CEU requirements mandated by the state. Once you reach your CEU requirements for respiratory therapists in Texas, you must also renew your license every two years. 

Failing to Meet Your CEU Renewal Requirements in Texas

Failing to meet the CEU renewal requirements in Texas means you’re not eligible to renew your Texas respiratory care license. And without a license, you cannot practice as a respiratory therapist. 

Renew Texas Respiratory License

You must renew your Texas respiratory license every two years by the deadline, either May 31 or November 30. Keep in mind, Texas does not offer a grace period for license renewal. If you renew past the deadline, your license becomes delinquent, and you’ll pay extra fees for renewal. 

Your license will automatically cancel if you leave it delinquent for one year. 

How Many CEUs Does Texas Require?

Texas requires 24 hours of acceptable CEUs for each license renewal (every two years). One CEU equates to one hour of participation; you can see the number of contact hours available before beginning the course. 

You can complete all 24 hours of CEUs online with traditional and non-traditional courses, including self-directed study courses.

CEU Requirements for Respiratory Therapists in Texas

To maintain your license, you must complete certain respiratory therapist CEUs in Texas.

Traditional Courses

Respiratory therapist CEUs in Texas must include at least 12 hours of traditional courses, including recorded or real-time live courses. 

Human Trafficking

Of the 12 required traditional contact hours, you must complete two human trafficking prevention course hours. 


Texas requires respiratory therapists to obtain at least two CEUs in ethics with traditional or non-traditional courses. You can choose from any ethics courses approved by the Texas Medical Board

How Often Do I Have to Renew My CEUs as a Texas Respiratory Therapist?

To renew your license, you must complete your CEUs for respiratory therapists in Texas. You need to renew your Texas Respiratory license every 24 months. Your license will expire every two years on one of two dates, May 31 or November 30, so check your license to know its expiration date. 

You can renew your Texas respiratory license online for a total fee of $106.

How Do I Fulfill My Texas Respiratory Therapist CEU Requirements?

To fulfill your requirements for respiratory therapist CEUs in Texas, you must complete all of the required 24 contact hours before your license expires. 

Although Texas does not require you to submit proof of each completed course, save your course completion certificates since Texas performs audits to ensure compliance. You can easily keep track of your CEUs online without worrying about dealing with paper certificates.

Licensed and accredited to provide CEUs in Texas, the CEPlace offers the most current respiratory therapy courses at affordable rates. Our courses are all accredited by the AARC’s Continuing Respiratory Care Education. 

You’ll save time and money by registering with us online. Once you register, our site offers courses which fulfill the number of self-study CEUs required by Texas. The great news is you only need to take one course to accumulate all of the CEUs you need. Complete the courses and tests on your own time. Download the certificate for your records for easy access.